In the age of social media and comparison culture, we are only shown curated versions of each other’s lives. Every picture we post is edited, cropped, and carefully thought out. When it comes to our homes, it’s no different. We scroll past so many pictures of perfect homes always showcasing their next big project.
As homeowners, it’s hard not to see these photos and feel insecure about our homes. It’s so easy to get bogged down with everything you want to change about your home that you’re not enjoying it anymore. We want to help you see the good in your home again and be content in it.
Social Media Isn’t Real Life
We spend the majority of our time scrolling on Instagram or Pinterest that we start to believe everything we see. Very few people are able to build and design their dream homes, much less million dollar homes. What we see on social media is very rarely “real.” For instance, in these pictures there aren’t any dishes in the sink or toys scattered across the living room.
So how are these homes so perfect all the time? The truth is they aren’t. The dirty dishes are shoved in the dishwasher and the toys are thrown behind the couch so they aren’t in the photo. Don’t believe everything you see, especially on social media.
Practicing Contentment
Be content with what you have – it’s definitely much easier said than done. Living in contentment means being happy and appreciative for what you have and where you are in life. Contentment promotes a happier life, peacefulness, healthier relationships, and personal growth. To practice contentment in your life, try these exercises from Urban Cottage Living,”
– Write down all the things that bother you or make you discontent in your home.
– Cross off the things that only you notice.
– Star next to the things that you don’t like but others seem to rave about.
– Underline the items that you could do something about but just haven’t done them yet.
– Circle one thing that you can’t change right now, but if you thought outside the box you could make it work “for the time being”
By focusing on what you do like about your home, you’ll be able to quickly enjoy your space again.
Make Memories
Remember that your house is just a house at the end of the day. What really matters is the loved ones you’ll make memories with in your house. They are the ones who will turn your house into a home. Enjoying and resting in your home will allow you to spend more time with the ones you care about most.
What Are You Looking For In A Home?
If a new home will help you be content in your life, let us help you! We would love to learn more about what you’re looking for in your new house. Please give us a call at 574-527-1700, email us, or contact us here.