Should I Prioritize Carpet Or Hardwood In My Home?

Sep 1, 2022

There are more flooring options now more than ever, but the age old question still remains: carpet or hardwood? Depending on your preferences and lifestyle, you could prefer one or the other, but you should know the pros and cons of both. Follow along as we discuss the many pros and cons of both carpet and hardwood flooring for your home.



More Cost-Efficient – Although carpet is cheaper, it’s important to remember that it will need to be replaced every 10 yrs. 

Warm on Feet – A great feature of carpet is the softness and warmth it provides for your feet.

Easy to Install – Carpet is much easier and faster to install than hardwood, even experienced DIY-ers can tackle it!

Absorbs Sounds – Unlike hardwood, carpet does absorb sound which is nice when you have a big family or a sleeping baby you don’t want to disturb.


No Added Home Value – A big con, especially for resale, is the lack of added home value carpet provides. 

Needs Replaced Every 10 Years

Hard to Remove Stains – Carpet is easy to vacuum but the stains can be difficult to remove.


Traps Pollen and Pet Hair



Added Home Value – A great benefit to hardwood is the added home value. Hardwood is very attractive to home buyers.

Long Lasting – Hardwood has been proven to last almost 100yrs, whereas carpet has to be replaced every 10 years.

Easily Cleaned – With hardwood, it’s easy to see the dirt on the floor which makes it much easier to clean. Also, if you spill a liquid on hardwood you can simply wipe it up where carpet stains easily.

More Attractive – Almost everyone would agree that hardwood floors are more attractive and provide a clean, modern look.

Natural – The fact that hardwood is a natural material is appealing to more home owners and buyers.

Better for Allergies – Dirt, pollen, human and pet hair are easy to spot and clean with hardwood floors which is better for those with allergies.


More Money – Installing hardwood does cost more money upfront but is longer lasting than carpet.

Cold on Feet

Easy to Scratch – Generally, hardwood is more durable than carpet but it does get easily scratched if you’re not careful.

Sounds Travel

Is carpet or hardwood better?

The answer to this question is up to you! Read through the pros and cons above and decide what is better for you and your lifestyle. If you’re wanting to add value to your home, hardwood is the way to go. If you’re not concerned about adding home value and are aiming for soft and cozy, carpet is for you! Please call us at 574-527-1700 or email us at to talk through your concerns about carpet or hardwood. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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